Sunday, January 30, 2011



Ω* up to her usual tricks, but clever grassy did an end run.

Yay Grassy! Touchdown!
(the crowd goes wild.)


*hereinafter known as "the parental unit formerly known as 'mother'."

Had to do a bit of hunting around, but found an (ex post facto?) explanation of why the omega symbol leaped off the html code page as the right one to signify the p. unit. Bit convoluted and circuitous, if you ask me, but it gets there in the end.

From (bolds mine):
The lyre is a stringed musical instrument well known for its use in Classical Antiquity.[...]According to ancient Greek mythology, the young god Hermes created the lyre from a large tortoise shell (khelus) which he covered with animal hide and antelope horns. Lyres were associated with Apollonian virtues of moderation and equilibrium, [?!] contrasting the Dionysian pipes which represented ecstasy and celebration.

Locales in southern Europe, western Asia, or north Africa have been proposed as the historic birthplace of the genus. The instrument is still played in north-eastern parts of Africa.

The Lyra of Hermes

The 'Lyre' or 'Harp' is the instrument invented by Hermes and given to Apollo his half-brother, who in turn gave it to his son Orpheus, the musician of the Argonauts.

Astrology: The Lyra is the Ram.

The Ram is Aries
Whew! Like I said - circuitous.
The p. unit is an Aries. Just to close the loop.

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