Monday, November 9, 2009

For my dad to FORCE me

to get a job when I didn't need the money was STUPID.

My dad always seem to think it was necessary to take some kind of fucking 'preventative' measures, rather than recognizing that I was

a) Really fucking smart
b) Self-motivated
c) Really good at doing the right thing when the right time and circumstances presented themselves.

In other words, when I needed the money, namely to pay my tuition costs, then I fricking went right out and got a fucking job. Two of them, in fact. Which my asshole father failed completely to notice or comment on or offer ANY praise whatsoever for. Not only was I working full-time during the day at a job relevant to my field (and yes, mom, if you ever read it, you do get some credit for helping me get that job through your connections - but I wish you would also recognize that I wouldn't have gotten the job if I wasn't qualified for it. Which I was, in spades. It was exactly all the stuff I was studying about in school, and fit perfectly with my learning curve. Anyway.)

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