The Initiation card may mark the passage from one state to a new one [...]A spiritual initiation also marks a state of new consciousness, the dawning of spiritual awareness and joy. This is a card of balance and harmony derived from working with sympathetic people in a relationship of equal give and take.Text and image from http://www.llewellyn.com/.
Eight of Cups from the same deck echoes the theme:
The Eight of Cups talks about the necessity of letting something go. This is the beginning of a change that is necessary to bring something new and fresh into your life, a turning point in your life that will bring you new friends and experiences
Instant gratification is much to slow.
I was in group therapy and we were asked what flower we would be. Some one else said Michael would be an impatient. I like that, Snap Dragons are in the impatient family.
Nice call on the 'impatient.' :-) Dunno what *my* flower might be - have to think about it. I'm kind of partial to sunflowers lately, though there's nothing particularly *funny* about them - least, not that I can think of at the moment.
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