Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I've decided to redefine 'love' as 'need',

because it makes more sense to me.

That is: I believe (at this moment, subject to change without notice :-) that we 'love' most those who most fully meet our deepest and/or greatest needs.

So 'love' is a sort of dependence relationship; and, therefore, the 'best', or deepest? 'love' will be experienced by those who need (and therefore, *depend on*) each other the most.

Then there's the sort of 'friendship' or 'fondness-based' love, for which there is no accounting (kind of like, 'no accounting for taste'), and which tends to occur randomly, out of the blue, and often seems to survive all kinds of ups, downs, sidewayses and other social and emotional hazards that relationships so often seem to go through.

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