Wednesday, October 20, 2010

all that said (referring to previous post)

I do think that there's some relationship between all this and hyper-awareness as a defense. But I'm less concerned with an analytical untangling of same (though I still sometimes enjoy doing that) these days, and more inclined to simply notice the ways in which my BODY is telling me that something's out of whack or unbalanced. Shortest distance kind of a thing, I'd say - the analytical route is what you have to use when your connection to your body's mind has been nearly severed; when you're more connected to your body's direct messages, you don't NEED the analysis. I *think* :-)

In a world where men expect us to be what THEY need us to be (to support their continued domination) instead of what WE need to be (to not be DOMINATED), it's not surprising that the brain has to do some creative re-wiring in order to FUNCTION. Reminds me of the saying that Ginger Rogers could do everything Fred Astaire could, except she had to do it, "in high heels and backwards."

HAH! No WONDER we're smarter than they are - we HAVE to be to survive the FUCKED UP WORLD men have created.

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