Wednesday, July 21, 2010

in a market-driven culture, even *people* become commodities

This thought comes to mind just at this moment, I *think*, because we no longer (in the vein of the previous post) rely on one another the way we evolved to. Our literal survival no longer depends on the kinds of close bonds our (ancestors?) formed.

However: Our brains haven't evolved much since then.

So what we've got is prehistoric brains in hyper-modern, over-technologized environments. Monkeys flying rocket ships, in other words. (There's a catch-phrase I can't remember.)

I notice this especially on online dating sites, where people seem to see even themselves as objects to be marketed and commodified: I have this, this and this trait, and am looking for someone with that, that and that. Like ordering your mate from an L.L. Bean catalog or something. "Can I have a red ribbon with that?" Erg.

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