Friday, August 27, 2010

i think i finally burned out my worry function

yay. it doesn't work any more - it's BROKEN! Fried from one too many jolts of hyper-adrenaline pulsing through its little worry circuits. The resultant calm is similar to the effect of certain anti-anxiety drugs, I imagine - it roadblocks all those synaptic (or whatever they are) worry-paths.

Hey, that sounds like a good name for a 'condition': I'm a bonafide worrypath! But I can't use it now, since my worrier (not to be confused with 'terrier', though both are somewhat neurotic and prone to not letting go of things), she is a fused lump of - well, not silica, what is an organic worrier made of, and what does it look like when fused? Organic analog to hard disc. Hm. Life beginning to attempt to copy - not art, but technology. Yuck. Not sure I like the way this is going.

Ok, start over.

First, I take 'dibs' on the word, 'worrypath'. I hereby officially claim its coinage on the 27th day of August, 2010, at or about 12:42 in the very early afternoon.

(Is it morning? or afternoon? I can never keep track of that a.m./p.m. thing in the vicinity of noon or midnight - so arbitrary and confusing.)

So, here it is:

WorrypathTM is MINE! All MINE!!!!

And second: Now that the excitement of coining my very own new-word-for-the-day is over, including googling to see if somebody else already used it (only found cites for 'worry path', but not as one word, 'worrypath'. Not exhaustive research, but I think I'm good.) Plus minor side-trips to visit Creative Commons to see if a CC license is free and what's involved in appending such a thing to one's blog and/or website. More head-scratching required on this one, wasn't enough of a no-brainer to just slap it on here. Some figgerin' will be necessary, methinks.

Continuing 'and second': I'm realizing 'worrier' isn't actually out cold, she's merely stunned. I feel her twitching, trying to come back to life. I think she's been somnolescent (?) in keeping with the sudden, drastic weather change from too hot to too cold (whatever happened to 'just right'? I think she must have been hijacked by one of the Ninos... [dang, can't find one of those tilde-thingies when you need one {ok, done with the hyper-parenthesizing now, (I think?)}]) that's occurred here with an absolutely inadequate amount of warning. I spent the last two days sleeping - thank goddess this miserable weather shift didn't happen on the same day as the arbitrary time change, or I might've had to sleep for a week...

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