Tuesday, May 26, 2009

don't let the bastards get you down

Is refusal to conform a personality disorder? Or is labeling it as a personality disorder just another attempt by the haves to keep the have-nots from getting any (power, that is), which means that the haves might have to give up a little of their unearned (and unfair) power?

God those fucking underminer voices are obnoxious! My favorite image for dealing with them is that they're these cartoon mole characters that live underground in this massive network of tunnels and they keep popping up when you least expect them, a manhole cover perched on their hard hats as they poke their annoying little ratlike heads up to give you some negative message or other.

How do I deal with them? A sledgehammer, of course! Bam, right on the manhole cover. Don't care whether some soft, sensitive bit gets caught in the edge and squashed in the process. Serves them right.

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