Wednesday, May 20, 2009

when life seems to have become a seemingly endless series of compensatory devices

discover what's being compensated for.

Then meet those unmet needs.

Of course, easier said than done in a culture where the only people whose needs are truly being met are those whose 'need' is to have a whole lot of money. The rest of us have been manipulated into being a means to that end. Only most of us haven't noticed - most of us think we can be just like them. We can have it all.

Do the math, people - the pie may divide into an infinite number of (very tiny!) slices, but the pie is only so big. Contrary to the bullshit of 'The Secret' and whatnot, we do not have unlimited resources. We cannot keep growing forever and ever, unchecked, 'world without end'. There is an end, whether we like it or not. When you hear that the U.S. consumes something like 80% of the world's resources, and that everyone wants to be like us - well, it just simply doesn't add up. Not everyone can be simultaneously using 80% of the world's resources. So if everyone tries to do so, suddenly we've used it all up and it's all gone. There ain't no more where that came from - the supplies are depleted. The cupboard is bare, empty.

Sigh. I feel like that's all too metaphorical, and hey, I look out the window and see sun, blue skies, green trees, it's peaceful and quiet, what's all the worry about? So ok. Maybe it's time to just go out there and forget about all this.

A Pratchett quote that I want to save, from Small Gods:
Fear is strange soil. Mainly it grows obedience like corn, which grows in rows and makes weeding easy. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground.

:-) :-) :-)

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