Thursday, May 21, 2009

one more thing

ok, this has got to be the last one for now, then I've got to get off this dang computer (no offense, computer, you're fabulous! But I'm human, and need to do flesh-and-blood, human things. But I'm so very happy to have you!)

If what I need is the mother-nurturing I never got as a child, why can't I have that as an adult?

Yes, I realize it's difficult, non-standard, etc. etc. blah-blah-blah.

But, really: Why not? When you get down to it, most people's answer is, I don't want to. Which is essentially the exact same bullshit answer my parents gave me, only not in so many words.

Doesn't anybody else see how fucked up this is? I mean, how many times do I have to say it? If a plant needs water, do you give it, say - Coca Cola instead? Or maybe a cup of coffee? Or pee on it? "Say, that there's got plenty of the ol' H2O in it, and shucks, saves me the trip to the pissoir to boot. Sounds dandy to me."

Fucking moron. So the thing not only doesn't get what it needs, but it gets your toxic crap as well.

Sigh. I'm trying to figure out a way to put this in the simplest, clearest, most unambiguous manner possible. And yet they still misunderstand - they always, always, always, think you're asking for something completely different than what you're really asking for.

And if by some freak chance they just happen to give you what you need, all unknowing? And you say, That - that was it, that was exactly the thing I'm looking for! Can you please do that again?

And somehow, the very orneriness of humans gets in the way - they just refuse to accept that it could be that simple - their ego needs get in the way, they think, But surely what you really need is this much more complicated and difficult thing over here (which, mind you, I'm not actually offering to give you) but which makes me feel all important because of the kind of power it gives me over you. And besides, I've got this cool thing and you don't.

Do I really think most humans are this assholish? Yes, I'm afraid I do. I've resisted the idea for most of my life, but I think now, in the interest of my own personal survival and sanity, I've just got to give that fiction up.

Repeat after me, grasshopper: Most people are simply not nice. Sorry to have to be the popper of bubbles and all :-(

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