Sunday, May 17, 2009


The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Same as it ever was.

Why can't people just fucking admit this? To me it's the denial of the reality that some people get better breaks in life that keeps the rest of us mired in our misery. If someone would just fucking admit that, yes, being born beautiful and admired by everyone around you has to have an effect on how you see yourself, and thus how 'successful' you're able to be, the rest of us who didn't draw such a lucky hand could go, "See, I was right." And then we could move on.

But instead, we're taught that it's our 'attitude' that's the problem. As if, had we simply been less 'susceptible' as children, we could have more easily ignored our parents' perpetual scowls and caustic remarks...yeah, that was my fault. I was just too thin-skinned. Having the emotional equivalent of an acid bath every day of your growing up is, uh, yeah - healthy.

Fucking bull shit.

I just spent an hour googling some ideas:
"Father dislikes daughter"
"When one parent dislikes child"
"Parents don't always love their children"

Etc. Despite the obvious truth behind these statements - that, yes, many fathers are abusive to daughters (google the statistics on daughters abandoned in China under the one-child policy, for example - you think that's because the daddies just wuv, wuv, wuv their little girls???? Fuck.)

Lots of parents openly admit to disliking their children. Growing up there was a girl my age down the street, and I remember being shocked when I heard the mom say, repeatedly, I can't wait til the kids are grown and out of the house. And yet we pretend that parents really love us! What the fuck does this 'love' word mean, anyway? I'm beginning to think the whole concept is useless, meaningless - a way to mask the painful reality that humans are basically selfish SOBs who do whatever the fuck they can get away with.

Today's trigger was encountering a book titled Addicted to Unhappiness.

What a fucking slap in the face! Can we maybe admit that some people actually have more difficult lives than others? And that it isn't always their own fault? Jesus. It's a wonder I have any hair left at all from tearing it out. Denial appears to be the prime coping mechanism of most humans...

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