Thursday, May 21, 2009

it's like

when men smashed the goddess figures that I'm seeing on some feminist blogs right now - the shards got shattered far and wide, and here are all us women (feminists, at least) trying to reassemble the bits into something that we know in our bones used to exist - we just can't gather enough evidence. And any time 'too many' women are gathered together out of earshot of men - well, they come hunt us down and pontificate, and distract, and otherwise pull their divide and conquer bullshit. Because they're afraid. They're afraid of what we'll do to them, that we'll pull them to bits, just like they did to us.

And would we be any better, if the power was back in our hands? Would the taste for retribution be too strong, too irresistible, and we'd smash them back to where they came from so that they could never bring us down again? I have to admit there's something powerfully satisfying about that image - about being able to walk the streets freely, unhampered either by expectations or harassment. To have them get the short end of the stick for a change. Hmm.

Mostly I think we just want them to leave us alone so we can get on with our business.

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