Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Becoming fierce

When our *protectors* are fierce in watching over us, lifting us up to overcome obstacles and making sure we have what we need, *we* grow fierce and strong in turn, healthy in spirit as well as in body and mind.

‘Protectors’ who are, on the other hand, weak? timid? uncertain? and ineffective in offering us safety and succor, *build in* to us a (seemingly?) ‘innate’ ‘weakness’ that can be difficult to overcome in later life.

But not impossible.

I’m trying to practice finding the middle ground, the balance point. Wu wei, again.

One way to do this (for *me*) is to do the first thing that comes to mind, as a – counterbalance? – to the idea that I ‘overthink’ things.

Compassion vs. ?
Kindness vs. ?

Self respect vs.?

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