Tuesday, November 16, 2010

when you are continually inundated

with one message

the same message

day in

day out

it is nearly impossible for the brain to even *grasp*, imagine, any alternative.

Bombarded. 24/7

Or, conversely:

Perhaps the mind/soul, starved for sustenance, LEAPS viscerally. Religion, for example, provides succor to the soul-sick, the life-weary.

I am just trying to understand. Still seeking that Theory of Everything, or whatever the heck it's called.

Am watching Wonderful World with Matthew Broderick. Very painful, very bitter.

Mentions game theory. Am googling about that as I watch the movie.

Interesting variant (or clone?) of Abundance Theory, at first glance.

(Guy at the library said, today, "It's all good." How I would *dearly* love to strangle, throttle and/or beat about the head and neck all brain-washed IDIOTS who spout this mindless tripe.

It is fucking DEMONSTRABLY *NOT* all good, you fucking moron!

But I settled for merely saying, calmly, "I wouldn't go that far. But I'm glad it's working for you." Then walked away.)


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