Wednesday, November 17, 2010

calming the baby

It's amazing - I spent all afternoon frantically trying to calm this little girl (inside me) with distraction and caffeine.

I could not hold her (self hugs don't work, remember?) and I couldn't call him again, because - well, I couldn't.

I've already, in the short time I've known him, done all the classic things that 'drive men away', and yet? He hasn't budged an inch. In fact, each time it feels like we're closer. At least, from *my* side of things.

And he keeps telling me more things about himself, things I'd never guess. He's a little hair-trigger on assuming I'll think the worst of him, or that I'll judge him, or dismiss as trivial something he finds important.

But I keep re-assuring him that it's ok, that I'm *interested*. Because I *am*.

When you keep getting what you *need* from somebody, when they *give* you freely what you ask for? It makes you *want* to give them everything you can in return. Or, at least, that's what's happening with *him*, for me.

It's as if *he* keeps expecting the other shoe to drop - odd to be on the other side of that for a change, with someone I find so *insanely* attractive. And not just physically - he's so different fromt the 'city boys' - unsophisticated, simple, direct. A very powerful combination for me. :-)

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