Wednesday, November 17, 2010

modern christianity

as an extension of ancient pagan rituals? 'The Book' as a way to hand down ancient wisdom to the 'unwashed masses' who otherwise might not heed, or benefit from, millenia of human experience?

Hm. Maybe I don't really need to 'explain' it at all?

Think Contact, or this ridiculous movie I'm watching right now, called New in Town, with Renee Zellweger.

There's a scene going on where the townfolk are caroling through the streets, picking up people along the way, carrying lighted candles and singing, to gather around a lit christmas tree in the center of the square.

I'm crying, and what am I crying *for*?

For that sense of unity, of shared purpose, of *belonging* somewhere, of fitting in and being cared for and nurtured and wanted, in *spite* of my rough edges, in *spite* of not believing the same things these other folks believe.

It's real, and heartfelt, and *solid*, in a way that no amount of money or prestige or status can be.

It's not even about respect - it's about love.

And lest you think I've gone all mushy-minded and religious on you - well, I haven't. I've just fallen in love. And am open to the influences associated with that :-)

So maybe I *am* a little soft in the head, at the moment. It's ok. Refer to the previous statement about 'open minds' and whatnot. It actually feels *good* to have someone in my life who makes me *want* to open myself to all the possibilities. It's freeing, somehow.

Now if I could just trust, and let go. The fear still lives in my belly, that there will be no one there to catch me when I fall. My family, I have to thank for this feeling.

So: Time to create a *new* one. Of which, perhaps? he ♥ is a part.

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