Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Cognitive dissonance clanging in my head

Yet another comment inspired by Michael:

Well, ok, at the risk of seeming to be 'contrary', here -

Along the lines of - what's it called again - 'defensive self-reliance'?

Let's say we all need several things simultaneously:

To be needed
To be appreciated
To belong
To be important to somebody
To matter
To be valued.


at the same time

our culture claims that we must all be self-sufficient.

Now, can you *hear* the cognitive dissonance clanging around in the head of person who tries to contain *all* those things in their head at once? *I* can, in my *own* head, that is.

The needs are *essential*, not negotiable. Hence the term 'needs' and not 'wants'.

And yet, *not* being cast out by one's clan, one's tribe, one's culture? Is *also*, *not* negotiable.

So when a *need*, and the expectations of the 'tribe' seem to be in direct conflict?

Well, as I see it, that's pretty much the 'how and why' of how *all* splits, of *all* kinds, happen.

Mine is, I think I tried to describe before, like this literal 'line' down the middle of my vision, where I'm often *quite* conscious of my left and right brains holding two separate, and irreconcible (at least, not reconcilable by *me*, at *this time*) sets of ideas or thoughts.

1 comment:

Michael Finley said...

You are the only one I know who shares the left right brain understanding. It is possible only that you and I are aware.

I have done much work with balancing my "upper two brains" I always had a sense there was more to it than cognitive dissidence.

I did much work with the reptilian brain which I call my dragon brain.

I am coming to find that my dragon too is of two minds. It is known that the "lower brain" is asymmetrical.

My dragon brain is through out my body. It is in my fingers and in my toes. I wonder often about when a person losses a limb and feels it is still there. Perhaps the dragon brain is not limited to physical space in the same way.

I call the two brain thing parallel processing. I know how many people are in the room to the exact number up to about 50 people. I can hit a golf ball and answer questions. I considered getting a silent key board so I could write while on the phone.

So for me there is "conflict" between all four brains. The least number of us that was ever "out" was three. Guessing that that was the two upper hemispheres and me experiencing the dragon brain as one.
