Friday, December 31, 2010

Why is it considered a BURDEN

to be kind?

Next time someone says that they feel like they have to be ‘careful’ with me, I’m going to ask them (hopefully calmly!), “Why is that a problem? What’s wrong with being ‘careful’ with me? I’m ‘careful’ with *you*, fair’s fair. Or maybe you never *notice* that I’m careful with you? You take it for granted.”

I’m wondering *why* I’m feeling this right now – someone must have said or done something or given me a ‘look’ that made me feel that way.

Last night – it feels like it’s important that I not pin down the exact event, so that I won’t ‘focus’ on it – but rather that I recognize the general *pattern* and ALLOW myself to feel

WHATEVER i feel. Unconditionally. Without judgment or criticism. Let it flow, freely and openly,

like a river,

like the clouds in the sky,

passing by,
passing by.

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