Friday, December 31, 2010

Why men began the power and dominance thing

Because they *could* - why else? Usual answer, for nearly *any* damn question. Kind of like the chicken crossing the road – duh! Nobody ever actually *thought* about it – humans are practically *legendary* for *not* thinking (“People would rather die than think – in fact, they often do.” ~Bertrand Russell)

So the Lilith story is more of the same – all about power and domination.

Litith called bullshit on their game and wouldn’t submit, so they ‘cast her out’ and found a more complacent, compliant one to take her place. What they *didn’t* know was what the long-term ramifications of this (really fucking *stupid*) ‘choice’ would be... (‘choice’ implying that there was actual ‘thinking’ involved, as opposed to, say, just yet another pissing contest - JESUS h CHRIST on a toothpick, but men have managed to totally fuck up this here once-gorgeous ball of mud.

YES I’m pissed, what the hell do you *think*???


pissed off

pissing contest.


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