Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lather, rinse, repeat. :-)

In fact, maybe this business of being driven by the expectations of others is – what – an inextricable? part of – who we are? as humans? or, how we come to see ourselves?

It’s like, the *role* we’re *cast* in, and fall into most easily? is the one that sticks.

And when we find out, later in life, after the mold is already cast, after the pattern is already *pretty dang deeply ingrained*, that, all of a sudden (or so it often seems – sudden, that is) – what’s ‘worked’ for us our whole lives isn’t working any more.

It’s like you’re driving along, and all of a sudden one of the wheels falls off your car.

It’s not really an *option* to just keep driving – the thing kind of grinds to a halt, and sits there, waiting, patiently, for you to *fix* the damn thing. Otherwise, it ain’t goin’ *no*where.

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