Monday, December 6, 2010

Today’s reading

Four of Swords
in the "Situation" Position

"Turn aside from relationship concerns and from those who would impose their agendas upon you.

The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.

When the Four of Swords appears in this position, shield yourself from conflicts related to a possible relationship. This is a chance to take a breather from controversies. Your present mission, regardless what a potential partner may be up to, is to meditate and draw energy from inner guidance.

Nurture the peace that naturally resides in the depths of your soul. In a private sanctuary, communicate with those who have inspired you with their accomplishments and improve yourself by their example.

Delve deeply into your inner life and be responsible for guarding that treasure of inspiration and hope. Those who care about you and love you will defend your right to take this time-out."

Four of Cups
in the "Love & Me" Position

"Dissatisfaction or boredom is clouding your vision of your relationships with those around you. Renewed interest and careful action can get you back on track. Ennui will not bring you the relationship you desire.

The card in the Love & Me position touches on an aspect of how you perceive yourself with regard to possible intimacy in your life.

The Four of Cups in this position points to a state of temporary stagnation in your energies that can prevent you from attracting others into your realm. Your will may have dissipated for a moment, and your mind may be distracted from its true goal. A vague sense of dissatisfaction and malaise may be stealing your sense of well-being and replacing it with ennui.

The card's image hints at what needs to be done. The calmer elements of body (earth), heart (water) and mind (air) are dormant in the three cups at the bottom of the card. The mind is trying to stir, but change comes from the cup of fire descending from above, which represents the will. It is only through arousal, action, motion and combustion that the mood can be dispelled and you can be brought back to your wits. Although there are lessons to be learned from asking yourself how you got to this state, don't linger on it for too long."

Three of Coins
in the "Challenges" Position

"Manifest excellence and leadership, while at the same time respecting the accomplishments of a potential partner.

The card that lands in the Challenges position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.

The Three of Coins in this position reveals an opportunity to find a way to showcase your many unique talents and gifts. If you can do this without stimulating envy or competition from your next partner, your ability to achieve greatness may be enhanced.

Your challenge is to manifest excellence and leadership in a relationship, at the same time respecting the accomplishments of your new partner, who may be working toward common goals. Mutual respect may go a long way in helping you to both perform to your highest abilities."

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