Thursday, November 18, 2010

left brain right brain link harvest today:

One on horses and how their brain hemispheres (may?) operate independently as a survival adaptation, i.e., 'sleeping with one eye open', or 'why a horse can sleep standing up':

Limbic system, center of emotions:


Michael Finley said...

Good stuff on the left brain right brain.

This is one I do not understand and do not take any further than it just goes.

I reset my reptilian brain by immersion in water. Pool ok Lake wonderful. I seriously am afraid to try the ocean as I might move.

Some how the immersion helps my brains work as one.

Just so you know it has been my experience that mechanics and especially mechanics that weld can find there both brains.

grasshopper said...

On 'resetting the reptilian brain', the image comes to mind of the earliest (mammal?) crawling out of the water, fish evolving to reptile?? If I'm remembering properly.

And the whole idea that we did a lot of our evolving in coastal areas, possibly. Along with the thing about babies swimming easily and naturally before they've even learned to walk, possibly even crawl? All fits together somehow. Cool that you've found a way to 'reset'. I think I mentioned before that walking does it best for me, sometimes a brief run, and balancing. And dancing does it, too.

Mechanics: Don't know if your comment is about the mechanic I was hanging out with recently, but yes, I just found out today that he actually *does* weld, and I'd agree that he has a pretty good balance between left and right brains. Interesting idea that there's a connection/correlation.