Thursday, November 11, 2010

People mostly seem to have NO IDEA what they need

nor do they seem to notice when they *get* what they need.

Which would be great, and natural, except that a huge percentage of people are operating under this massive delusion that they NEED NOTHING.

I want to SMACK them.

But I won't :-)


Michael Finley said...

Go ahead smack em they probably would not notice.

I am finding that some of my wants are really needs. I need to create. When I do not I get unhappy at best.

Note: I messed up and when I checked your blog I kept going to the Ort post. Stupid Wordpess they should have anticipated that is what I would do.

grasshopper said...

Maybe I'll get a Nerf bat for the smacking. Or a rubber chicken.

Yes, wants and needs. I too am learning something similar. Learning to follow my inner guidance on that one. Amazing how hard it is to unlearn the external voices and hear your own internal one. The external ones are so LOUD, sometimes.

Stupid Wordpress! Yes, I think all machines should be able to read our minds. What else are they good for?

Maybe the Ort has special meaning to you, and Wordpress actually *is* reading your mind, better than you know. Bwahahaaaaa. Perhaps the great Ort seeks obeisance from you? And summons you to his side.

Ok, stopping with the science fiction now :-)