Thursday, December 2, 2010

The double edged sword of high intelligence

The intelligent child
is quick to grasp
and nuance.

Augmented by
a fertile imagination,
this child
can imagine horrors
and thus, entertains fears
far beyond the scope
of the ‘ordinary’
or adult.

This ‘child’ (often more ‘adult’ than her own parents, and indeed, than many ‘adults’ around her)
finds herself
on red alert
all the time
to dangers
other can’t see
or otherwise

It is the one-eyed person
in the land of the blind.

It is lonely
because there is no one else who can see
what you see.

The little kid
and the Emperor (yes, that Emperor who
wore no clothes.)

This child needs more comforting
more reassurance
because her FEARS
are greater

because of her ability to comprehend
far beyond her nominal, apparent ‘age’.

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