Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fear of expressing anger

Women are expected to be ‘nice’, to be ‘good’, non-threatening, etc.

So we hold the anger in, to look ‘good’.

Men, conversely, hold in fear, and pain, and grief, because that’s *their* emotional strait jacket.

What would happen if we were all, simultaneously, to be suddenly, magically*, *freed* from these shackles, these crippling, *ridiculous* (?) social constraints?

*Yes, I realize it’s ‘magic.’ Or, as my latest friend would say, “a pipe dream”. He also said, “hot under the collar.” Don’t know that I’ve ever actually heard someone say that in real life before – archaic. But cool :-) Perhaps his part of OK is one of those ‘lands untouched by the passage of time’? He only *visits* us out here, in the land of so-called ‘progress’.

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