Thursday, December 2, 2010

A true lover

cannot resist her happiness – it fills him so to know
that it is *he* who makes her glow.
(sorry, couldn't resist.)

For underneath it all? he still seeks to win
his mother’s affection.

And so he vacillates
between the platonic
and the passionate
and back again.

And she attempts to respond, for in *her* breast
lies the parallel longing
to ‘succeed’ as well
in winning him over.

Are *all* ‘love’ relationships
replays of those early disappointments?

Seeking, eternally, to mend that which was broken
Or, perhaps, never *felt* whole
at any time?

So perhaps the *best* ‘lovers’
are the one who are


for ‘love’ themselves – that is: acceptance. To feel *wanted* and *desired*, needed, even.

To feel indispensable. To feel that the other (mother, father) can no more do without you than you can do without *them*.

To see the dependency reversed – a ‘fair’ness? is established? a balance. Making it right - again, making it even.

In movies (and paintings, and books, and songs, and all other ‘art’?) people can finally *say*, out loud, directly, that which their hearts fear to reveal. The ‘cri du coeur’. [This current ‘spate’ inspired by a movie called Cherie, with Michelle Pfeiffer.]

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