Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Courage reading: Strength; The Moon; and King of Cups.

Strength in the "Self" Position

You maintain high expectations of conduct, with self-restraint and inner composure.

The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now.

The Strength card in this position compliments your ability to sublimate emotionality, impulsiveness and instinctive urges. This is a taming force which raises behavior standards and models higher levels of composure, grounding and centering. In this card's image, a female figure with a lion shows the power of intuition at work.

This is a subtle sensual, telepathic ability that can transmit non-verbal signals and evoke an appropriate response. The Strength card signifies a superior energy that neutralizes conflict and ushers in harmony and cooperation.
The Moon in the "Situation" Position

Stay fluid. Refuse to believe that you are sure of anything.

The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.

When the Moon is in this position, the leadership of your world may have collapsed and fallen in on itself. Nothing may be as it seems. All around you are people suffering from delusions, claiming that their myths are legitimate and absolute. Battle lines are being drawn. It may be best to slink into the shadows and wait this situation out.

If you feel compelled to navigate this landscape, stay in the light as much as you can, taking a middle course and avoiding extremes. In this situation, whatever could possibly happen is likely to. Stay alert and you can avoid getting pulled into any vortexes.
King of Cups in the "Challenges/ Opportunities" Position

Evoke the wise elder to help you lift yourself above problems and worries.

The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.

When the King of Cups is in this position, you are challenged to find the wise, kind and spiritual part of yourself. Bring this mature king energy forward so you can evoke, direct or support the education or healing that is needed. Use forgiveness to help yourself and others lift out of sorrow, shame or unfinished business, reassuring all, including yourself, as to how precious they are.

This King of Cups is akin to a pope: he bestows blessings, benedictions and absolutions. He helps people heal by reminding them of their inherent nobility. As you discover and activate this inner king, lend moral support to those around you. In doing so, you will benefit as well.
From tarot.com - bolds mine.

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