Saturday, January 15, 2011

More cards: Queen of Cups; The Moon

Queen of Cups in the "Self" Position

You are called upon to be a loving master of emotional integrity for your personal well-being and inner peace.

The card in the Self position touches on an aspect of how you perceive yourself right now, including how at peace you are with and within yourself.

The Queen of Cups is the archetype of loving kindness, someone imbued with a strong concern for the well-being of others, including yourself. This is a good thing to develop and practice. At the same time, make sure you don't get carried away with showing compassion for others and lose track of what is healthy and sensible for you. Like a mother, the Queen of Cups is accepting and nurturing, with a natural capacity for bonding. She has to make sure she keeps something in reserve for herself and for the future.

The vulnerability of openness and empathy are important qualities sorely lacking in today's world. Learn to develop these capacities in yourself, but avoid dwelling in self-absorption. Love, even self-love, is ultimately about dissolving boundaries, but not at your personal expense. Feelings of emptiness and exhaustion will do you no good. Know your boundaries and make sure you are not being taken advantage of or relied upon too heavily. Express compassion to yourself and others, but don't let an intense concern for the welfare of others compromise your own well-being and peace of mind.
The Moon in the "Challenges/ Opportunities" Position

You are not adrift; you can navigate this extraordinary experience with skill.

The card in the Challenges/Opportunities position reflects how you can use creativity and skill to turn conflicts into harmonious understanding.

The Moon in this position is a challenge to retain a modicum of self-consciousness while you sink deeply into your primal nature. As happens at full moon, something has loosened the flood gates of the collective unconscious and you are aware of the high tide as much as anyone.

It helps if you have trained your instincts and impulses not to override your self-discipline. When reason is eclipsed by feelings, your natural and psychic intelligence can provide a safety net. Once the floodgates of the unconscious are opened, you will be self-preserving and sensitive, leaving behind old patterns. Trust that your good reflexes will respond appropriately to what your sensors tell you is going on around you.

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