Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Power!!!!! bwahahahaaaaaa... :-)

Thoughts about Queen of Wands from various commenters in a discussion group here
"A CROWNED queen with long red-golden hair, seated upon a Throne, with steady flames beneath. She wears a corslet and buskins of scale-mail, which latter her robe discloses. Her arms are almost bare. On cuirass and buskins are leopard's heads winged, and the same symbol surmounteth her crown. At her side is a couchant leopard on which her hands rest. She bears a long wand with a very heavy conical head. The face is beautiful and resolute.
Adaptability, steady force applied to an object, steady rule, great attractive power, power of command, yet liked notwithstanding. Kind and generous when not opposed."~Grigori

"The Queen is seated above a ground that is alive with constant flames. She has gold-red hair which flows like a lion's mane. Her right hand grasps a Fire Wand like that of the Zelator Adeptus Minor, while her left hand touches the head of a leopard, her personal emblem. The wand alludes to the force of her WILL, which controls and directs the Fire energy represented by the feral cat."~Aeon418

"Perhaps the queen has resisted the impulse to tame the beautiful wildthing and has chosen to learn from it rather than try to control it."~Always Wondering

"In a reading: You or a person involved is full of energy, determination, and decisiveness. She is a good leader and can get people to follow her. Beware of riding roughshod over people, as in 'my way or the highway.' And beware of burnout that could lead to manic outbursts or depression."~rachelcat

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