Monday, January 17, 2011

idiots. "Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right - here I am, caught in the middle again..."

My brother once said he thought I, "Just didn't get it," meaning, the 'way things work'.

I corrected him, saying, "Oh, yeah, I get it all right - this is a man's world, the rules are made *by* men, *for* men, to suit *men's* needs. Women's needs and wants don't come into it. Why the *hell* do you think I'd want to play by *those* rules?"

I think I earned his respect a)for my intelligence and clear-sightedness and b)for not putting up with the shit. On the other hand, he made some crack about 'liking it that way,' which earned him my eternal contempt as an - irretrievable? some other word I can't think of - ASShole.

c'est la life. *shrug*.

That statement of 'by men, for men' etc. echoes Nader's thing about American govt. being "of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations." Also comes to mind the 3 monkeys, "see no, speak no, and hear no" evil.

The thing I was thinking earlier, that prompted all this writing today, was that I sometimes feel as if I've 'escaped' (hence the appropriateness of the 'escape' thing) a mindset that damn near every. single. fricking. human. I *meet*
seems to have got sucked into.

Why am I different?

I don't know.

Would I be the same as them if I were more naturally aggressive?

I don't know.

Does it do any good to speculate?

Probably not.

"I yam what I yam."


"I do not *like* green eggs and ham."

Therefore, and, in conclusion:

They push me?
I push back.

They're shocked, because they thought I was a pushover.

Except when I'm shouting at them, in which case I'm 'bossy', 'pushy', 'demanding' - even if I'm merely standing up for my own fucking RIGHTS.

Stupid-ass mother-fuckers. FUCK the lot of them.

Jesus fucking CHRIST on a fucking POGO stick.


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