Monday, January 17, 2011

wisdom of the Hanged Man?

From; bolds mine.
The Hanged Man in the "Situation" Position

Someone's stance, style or point of view must be sacrificed to relieve the situation of stress and unsettled feelings.

The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.

The Hanged Man in this position indicates that

a scapegoat may be needed.

The situation will feel tense, difficult, and blocked until someone is produced to absorb the blame.

Scapegoating doesn't require truth or justice.

It is the result of the collective projection of guilt. Some situations may be wired to such a degree that heads must roll.

Those who subject themselves to a position such as this know the odds and prepare to undergo their fate in the way of the warrior -- with composure and dignity.

Show compassion for this person. If it is not you, remember but for the grace of God it could have been.

There is no moral stain on those who find themselves in the position of the scapegoat.

There is one, however, on those who judge themselves to be superior and immune to this fate. The ordeal will have been worth it if it brings the participants, including you, to a new point of view and release from the past.
For the record, I, grasshopper, hereby officially disagree with the last line of this person's take on the 'scapegoat' or Hanged Man 'role'.

*I* believe that 'turning the other cheek', in *this* world, just gets you two black eyes instead of one. Witness Gandhi; witness every other frickin' martyr the world has ever seen: Joan of Arc; Martin Luther King. Yes, they are called on as 'figureheads' to lead movements, their sacrifices are used as emotional 'capital' (hm - a bit like JC's sacrifice on the cross? interesting.)

Anyway, I don't buy it. Sacrificing one human to soothe the guilt of another? Is just part and parcel of the whole 'dominator' bullshit mindset. It's all about ego, and how one person's ego is more 'valid' or 'important', somehow, than that of another.


Either we're ALL EQUAL in the eyes of god (or whoever);

or we're NOT.

Fucking CHOOSE, you hypocritical, full-of-shit ASSHOLES. No more fucking FENCE sitting - the splinters are *killing* me.

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