Saturday, January 15, 2011

Undoing the negative messages from the past.

With slow, steady work, nibbling away, with now and again a little help from some key friends (thanks, ♥ and my far-away friend :-), I’m gradually getting to where I can do this without quite so much emotional (mental?) grunting and straining.

Look ma, no hands!

Well, not quite. Yet.

But I’m getting there! Yay, grasshopper!!!!!!!!


One thing is, I’m realizing that people actually *like* me. They invite me places; they seek my company.

The hard part has been, when I’ve needed to *talk* about something difficult, something stressful in my life, I’ve found myself reverting to the whining, nagging, clinging ways of my mother.

I *think* I’ve gotten better at this - *not* doing it, I mean.

I try to just come straight out and *say* what I want, or need, or am thinking or feeling.

Not in the crude, tactless, lecture-y way of my father,

nor in the denying, Pollyanna-istic way of my mothe.

(And yes, I *do* realize that they are [and were, in my father’s case] both products of their culture, upbringing, time period in which they were born and raised, etc. So, yeah. But? I can still question, still challenge, still lay to rest outmoded ways of ‘coping’. Yes.)

I am still more at ease alone, in the company of my books and plants, quietly enjoying life; or, sometimes, bursting out in a riot of music and dance that frees me from the emotional cage I learned to feel safe in (“every form of refuge is a prison” - ? – a line a friend once quoted, didn’t know if he was talking about me, or him? or just generally being philosophical. Anyway, I think I now know what he means.)

But I’m gradually coming out of my shell, having crashed and burned repeatedly in the past – the sink or swim, ‘throw her in the deep end’ approach of my father, and the neglectful, clueless and unaware approach of my mother, left me feeling like a small child alternately allowed and even *encourage* (in my father’s case) to go play on the freeway. As some self help piece said somewhere, paraphrasing roughly, “like letting a little kid play on an eight-lane freeway.”


I am unfurling, slowly, like the first new leaves of the fern in spring – testing the air, the soil, gradually spreading my roots if the conditions seem propitious.

And if not?

Pulling back in. Waiting. Biding my time; using my energy in other ways til such time as the ‘moment is right’, or the next big wave comes along and I can surf a little furthe along my journey.

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