Tuesday, January 18, 2011


It just occurred to me that maybe I use these card readings as a way to give me 'positive' thoughts to replace the critical voices that I'm still in the process of re-training.

It's getting *almost* automatic to over-write the negative 'scripts', but sometimes I still need a little help. Which is ok. And I'm not sure why I should feel the need to explain myself on my own blog! Except, someone stumbling in here might wonder.

I think I've explained it before, but what it *really* is, to me, this whole 'divination' thing, whether you use the coins with the I Ching (or yarrow stalks, if you can *find* any :-) or get a Tarot deck or make your *own* divination system? To me it's all just a way of getting in touch with what your intuition is already telling you - we all, I *think*, tend to put whatever 'spin' on it (the interpretation, that is) that best fits our personal needs of the moment.

We see what we *need* to see, in other words. Whatever it is that helps us along our path.

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