Tuesday, January 18, 2011

middle path.

I'm scared that somebody's going to call me on my shit.

That by trying so hard to be 'squeaky clean' and blameless, I'm falling into the same trap - the one *everybody's* always trying to avoid.

Feels like I'm chasing my tail, which I guess is appropriate for a cat ...

So what's the solution?

Go ahead and FUCK UP.

And DEAL with it.

Shit happens.

EVERYbody makes mistakes.

It's the 'hurting other people' part that's tricky.

Something's knocking on my brain here, but I'm either too tired and/or too caffeine-buzzed to 'get' it, either that or I'm simply just not quite *ready* for 'it' yet. So, let it come.

But, but - I wanna *know*! Now!  Waaaahhhhhh!

People complain about 'walking on eggshells.'

But - *I* feel like I'm pretty dang careful with people most of the time - so are people *really* saying, they resent having to be careful with me?

Yes, I think that *is* what they're saying.

That fits in with the 'toughen up' approach my family used to use when I was a kid.

But I *didn't* toughen up - I just ended up with a lot of (emotional) black and blue places that never really healed properly, and that are still sensitive to the *slightest* touch, even today...

And I get accused of having a 'chip on my shoulder' by the very same people who *perpetrated* the shit in the first place...

Ok, grasshopper.

One: People are *not* logical. Or rational.

People *constantly* hold *others* to standards of behavior to which they do not hold themselves,.  This includes *you* - you are not immune to this behavior, either. Hey, you're human! So are they.

Moderation in all things. Including moderation.

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