Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I keep feeling as if I am 'called forth' to do battle

on behalf of various people who seem unable to take up their own cause for various reasons.

Is this just the old 'training' speaking, of taking care of my mother for so many years?

Is it something innate to this here grasshopper-ish type being?

Do I need to *stop* it? or *worry* about it?

I think part of the whole thing with the cards and the hex's &c is me looking for a sign, an indicator, from *any*where, that it's ok for me to rest now.

I just turned up the Four of Swords for the I-don't-know-how-many-th time, which gives *exactly* that message: Rest. Renew. Gather strength.

It's just - there's something I feel I'm supposed to be *doing*, and time slips away ever faster.

Yet, I have no problem resting when I can get that mental 'switch' into a certain position - when I've checked off all my 'duties'.

But right now is such a moment - I've jumped all the hurdles, I *could* rest.

It's just this feeling that if *I* don't take care of whatever it is, it won't get taken care of, and will fall apart and disintegrate to dust.

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