Tuesday, January 18, 2011

it's also possible

that *none* of it matters - whether you believe in Tarot, or divination, or little green men, or Flying Spaghetti Monsters - maybe every single one of them is a - substitute? or maybe just a coping mechanism?

for the uncertainty of life.

I mean, really, *how* can you actually 'embrace' chaos????

Yeah, uncertainty principles. Brownian motion. Klein bottles. Trying to wrap one's mind around that which is, ultimately, incomprehensible.

The zen folks may have the most straightforward approach, really, at least, as far as I understand it: Just hang on for the ride. Do nothing. Simply: Be.

After all, what other choice do we really have?

All these 'belief systems' are the equivalent of a snuggly teddy bear to get us through the night.

In this respect I kind of prefer the I Ching, the Book of Changes, which simply suggests what is *possible*, and tries to remind us of the likely cycles of life - feast following famine and vice versa.

I think, if one uses it the way a wise leader might to gather and allocate her resources, possibly, at best, it helps one keep a relatively balanced perspective.

Which is right back to wu wei again.

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