Tuesday, January 18, 2011

grasshopper's interpretation of previous.

I think the Eight of Wands represents why I feel so exhausted: My 'internal growth' work is paying off in spades!

And: It's easy to become overwhelmed by the sense of possibility and just stand here turning round and round in circles without ever actually *choosing* anything. I think that's why I keep doing more readings: Looking for clues, *any*thing, that will help clarify things.

I think I have to be patient. Which is *hard*, because I feel like I've set my whole *life* on the 'back burner' while I sorted all this stuff out over lo these many, *many* years.

But I just *have* to 'let go', as best I can. Rest.

Also, when I'm 'out in the world'? I feel *pulled*, constantly, by what seem like 'opposing forces' - I feel as if *someone's* expecting me to 'choose' - between what and what, I'm not sure. It's a feeling like being expected to - take sides?

I don't like it, I know that! I've often resisted that, the 'triangulation' thing, the 'consolidate my power so that I can be stronger than this other person over *here*' thing. Though sometimes I get sucked in.

So, here? I guess it's being suggested, by the Two of Swords? Or the Universe?

That I mind my own dang business, remain neutral, and not get involved.

Because, truly? I *need* every drop of energy I can dredge up for my*self*. Once again, 'no effort', or 'wu wei'.

The Ten of Cups suggests 'victory', and many rewards to be reaped therefrom.

I'm so exhausted I can't really *see* that, yet, and need some *tangible* evidence.

I sense that *relationships* are beginning, slowly, to bear fruit, like the tiny, new green shoots I see poking up through the leaves these days. And this is *great*, since it's what I've been working on hardest of all!

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