Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Future path reading: Eight of Wands, Two of Swords, Ten of Cups.

Eight of Wands in the "Self" Position

Accelerating change and growth challenge you to keep up with what you are creating in your life.

The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now.

When the Eight of Wands is in this position, take some time to stand back like a skillful gardener to marvel at the rate things are growing. This card has a powerful association with accelerating new growth and the unleashing of a evolutionary process that has far reaching, profound effects.

As you contemplate how swiftly things are developing, you will become concerned less about outcome and more about just keeping up. As your endeavor matures, it has the potential to absorb your attention, exceed your expectations and fulfill your vision. The challenge is to follow through and nurture the abundance you are creating, which seems to have a life of its own.
Two of Swords in the "Situation" Position

Resist any impulse to judge or blame others, or to adopt an us versus them attitude. Stay open to new information.

The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.

With the Two of Swords in this position, people around you may be splitting into separate camps, engaging in disputes, and jumping to judgmental conclusions. This is not an encouraging trend. The result could be a division between people that creates a polarized situation. If you want to improve things, be sure to stay clear of taking any one's side.
Ten of Cups in the "Challenges/ Opportunities" Position

You know in your heart that you have done what is best for all concerned.

The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.

With the Ten of Cups in this position, let yourself relax, knowing your labors are completed. The worst is over and a much-improved future lies ahead. You are moving forward to a life which is very different from the one you inherited. You know that your heroic effort has made a real difference in the way things are now unfolding. Even if you don't receive all the recognition you have earned, a solid core of self-esteem is now your permanent possession. You did the right thing under challenging circumstances; you kept the greater good in mind. Knowing this produces feelings of personal gratification. Now you can lay this situation to rest and learn to live in a totally new way.

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