Monday, January 10, 2011

3-card: Love

The Star in the "Situation" Position
Someone in your life is attuned to divine wisdom.

The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.

When the Star is in this position, you may be in the presence of someone who understands his or her true purpose. This person knows why they are here.

Rather than being controlled by outer events, this admirable being lives life from the inside out -- centered in his or her mission and in harmony with life. Such an accomplished individual sets an example that you can emulate and achieve for yourself. Absorb the radiance of this glowing soul.
Nine of Swords in the "Challenges/ Opportunities" Position

What brings sorrow may also give rise to feelings of liberation.

The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.

With the Nine of Swords in this position, you are facing the paradox that what is cause for grief and sorrow can also produce a great release. Sometimes the catastrophe you fear the worst is actually the end of an impossible situation; this may be one of those times.

Consider the possibility that binding obligations to an old situation are now ended. You are now free to choose your own direction, to explore and grow beyond circumstances that used to hold you in. The very fact that this is happening indicates your readiness to make this transition. Somewhere beneath the distress and loss is a reserve of strength that has been building for this kind of opportunity. Point yourself toward healing, release from bondage, and freedom from suffering. Focus on the positive. Collect visions and ideas that will help you rise above feelings of hopelessness.
Five of Coins in the "Self" Position

Consider carefully what consequences may result from joining forces.

The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now.

The Five of Coins in this position indicates the attraction of opposites. The Five of Coins depicts lovers discovering each other, mirroring and matching, magnetized by each other's qualities. Once the first flush of infatuation is past, however, the same energy of attraction that once felt so exciting may become a source of friction. The seeds of conflict are built into the fabric of the attraction. Even though the whole becomes more than the sum of its parts, it has been known to devour the individuals who comprise it.

This card suggests a relationship opportunity or offer. Examine what the outcome of joining forces would be. Ascertain as best you can if there is enough to keep you engaged, so that you don't base a long-term endeavor on a moment's infatuation. Successful long-term partnerships are business arrangements as well as love affairs.

In the English-school decks, the sickly poor freezing outside a well-lit church warn of the painful outcomes of bad choices, rather than focusing on the dynamic tension of the choosing itself, as in the traditional Continental decks.

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