Saturday, January 8, 2011

Aquarius rising

Grasshopper's Sun Sign: Aquarius
Sun 20° Aquarius 06'
Element: Air
Key Planet: Uranus

Motto: "Great spirits often encounter opposition from mediocre minds."
Greatest Strength: Your eclectic way of seeing things
Possible Weakness: Know-it-all attitude puts others off

The symbol for Aquarius is the Water-Bearer, a universal human who is pouring forth water from a jug. This universal human represents the community of humankind. The waters of life flow, like ideas coming from the unrestrained mind.

Many people mistakenly think that Aquarius is a water sign, but it is an intellectual air sign. As such, Aquarians can be interested in concepts and ideas. Because of its universality, Aquarians can seem somewhat detached from personal emotions. It's not that you Aquarians don't have feelings; it's just that yours are different from most others. You dance to the beat of a different drummer.

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