Monday, January 10, 2011

Five of Coins - Challenge/change

[...]the theme of pilgrimage can be easily inferred in the five of pentacles Tarot card meaning (Webster defines pilgrimage as: "a long journey taken as an act of faith or devotion").

It is clear the figures in the card are downtrodden, but certainly not beaten. They endeavor. They find the internal fortitude to persist in their journey.

To what are they driven? Why, against seemingly all odds, do they persist in their quest? Here are some ideas as to why they endeavor:

* The promise of security.
* The ideal of acceptance.
* The hope of better days ahead.
* The belief their efforts will be rewarded.

When the five of pentacles shows up in our readings, in some fashion we are encountering the darkest before our personal dawn. This card beckons us to screw our courage to the sticking place and persist in following our anchoring beliefs. The card further urges us to bolster ourselves in the midst of what's likely to be a tremendously troublesome environment.

The conditions we find ourselves in when pulling this card are potentially wicked, and they bite hard at our backs. Lack of money and poor health are cruel enough to darken the heart. But, perhaps the cruelest cut of all is ridicule or rejection from others who would (traditionally) be considered compassionate to us and our cause (i.e., the church, our family and friends).

Indeed, we see evidence of this latter scenario in the card as the figures are often depicted as outcast from what looks to be an orthodox establishment, like a church or synagogue.

The story of Mary and Joseph indicates their enduring hardship because their situation was unacceptable to the established normalcy of their time. The five of pentacles in a reading may indicate we too are moving to the rhythm of a dance that is not any part of the status quo.

This heretical dancing often wreaks fear in conventional, sheep-like mentality (hearken back to my shepherds hook reference). Agreed, rebels aren't as quick to be stoned these days, but can certainly be subject to some painful criticism. Even from people and organizations who are supposed to be in a position of support and love.

Be that as it may, this is the time our strength must be derived solely from our innermost founding faith.

Resist the temptation to succumb.

Drive on and continue following that bright North star to the promise land affixed in the eyes of your soul.
When this card appears in a reading, it signifies a potentially difficult time of change, perhaps in the querent's financial life or work life or simply in meeting basic needs such as food and shelter. The stability of the Four of Coins has been thrown off kilter, and what seemed to be true is no longer so. What was whole is now split. What was stationary is now in motion. What was stagnant is now growing and changing. For example, a bad financial situation may be changing for the better. Or what appears to be a comfortable working environment may be changing for the worse. Whatever you think is true probably isn't any longer. This is a card that indicates a need for the querent to be cautious before acting, and to be prepared for some "growing pains."

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