Friday, January 14, 2011

Speaking my truth

Speaking these truths about my mother feels really scary.

What if she ‘catches’ me? What if she finds out?

She views this as the ultimate betrayal – she’s not *capable* of ‘hearing’ me on this stuff – she *only* ‘hears’ her own needs.

She sees this as ‘bad-mouthing’ her. She even accuse me of intentionally trying to make her feel bad.

There is *never* any apology on her part, never any taking of responsibility for how I feel.

There is never *any* recognition, on her part, that I *need* something from her, as her child, as her daughter.

She completely fails to see that she, as my mother, is *supposed* to take care of me in these ways – I’m not some kind of ‘freak’ for wanting to be taken care of.

Actually, she’s *finally* begun to see, a little.

But still, she waits, in silence, and says nothing.

The person who says nothing often has the power, because it suggests that they *need* nothing, and so those of us who *do* need something? Rush in to fill the void, the vacuum, that empty space that sucks at you with its need for filling, for *some* kind of communication to recognize that, “Hey, there’s a fucking relationship here, you asshole, pay it some *fucking* attention for fuck’s sake!”

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