Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Support? Three-card reading.

Two of Cups in the "Self" Position

Feelings of renewal and idealism will empower you to radiate higher virtues to all around you.

The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now.

The Two of Cups in this position is shouting "Love!" This isn't necessarily about a traditional love affair. It could be a strong heart connection between you and someone for whom you care deeply. It could even be an attraction to an ideal or a vision that is as real to you as any interpersonal relationship.

The Two of Cups can also represent reconciliation between your own masculine and feminine aspects. In any case, this card is referring to that aroused, emotionally sensitive space we enter when we are opening up at a deep level. This may be a sweet, adorable moment, but you can't deduce from this immediate feeling what the ultimate outcome of the relationship will be. Nevertheless, this card does encourage the idealism that creates fidelity and trust, empathy and compassion -- the very human virtues we need most in our lives and relationships. Your emotional, psychic and spiritual lives are quickening, as nature does in Spring. Enjoy this wonderful feeling and bless the world with it, but don't make any serious commitments at this time.
Seven of Swords in the "Challenges/ Opportunities" Position

When you willingly step forward to be a leader, you win recognition and gratitude.

The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.

The Seven of Swords in this position suggests that you volunteer to fill an emerging void in leadership. You may be the person who can serve as an inspiring figurehead and rallying point for existing unfocused mental and emotional energy.

It is possible that you have a hero latent inside you who is being called forth by current circumstances. If that is the case, don't resist; accept the invitation. It's not often that we get a ready-made opportunity to be gallant. It's to everyone's benefit that you think of yourself as a person who is able and willing to make a positive difference.
Four of Cups in the "Situation" Position

This situation has potential. You will need a strong, clear sense of direction in order to fulfill it.

The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.

When the Four of Cups is in this position, your situation is filled with possibilities not yet activated. Vast potential is languishing, napping in the sun, as it were. Something exciting, focusing or catalytic is required to get things moving in the direction of fulfillment. The situation is begging for direction or a new statement of purpose.

This is both good and bad. On the upside, anything is possible; all the raw ingredients for success are in place. On the other side, without leadership and a clear goal, the results are likely to be unfocused and chaotic. Look inside yourself to see whether you are the hand bringing in the fiery cup or the one witnessing a stalled opportunity.

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