Monday, April 13, 2009

Lenses: How full is this glass?

Today's tape: I am unworthy.

Triggered by a phone conversation with someone I thought was a friend. I may have to relegate him to a circle a little further out from the center - he is not reliable in this way. May have to downgrade him from 'good friend' (who can be trusted) to '?' Not sure.

What allows me to deal with this is the realization that I do not have to hold close to me people who stab me in the gut. Which echoes that quote from another post the other day about shame and abuse of power: When you feel shamed, it's usually because somebody has abused their power with you in some way.

So this becomes about boundaries: When someone abuses their power, in no matter how small a way, they are demoted to a more remote circle of acquaintanceship. If they want back into the inner circle, they'll have to earn it.
Added 4/28/09, another favorite quote: A pessimist is just an optimist with more information.

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