Tuesday, April 21, 2009

unburying the true self (hate that shrink-speak, but whaddya gonna do)

from the accreted, accumulated layers of a lifetime. Like in Indiana Jones, again with the image of something being slowly uncovered from beneath layers of earth, we know not what, we anxiously await the revelation that answers our prayers/problems. (And no I ain't religious, that's what we call a figger a' speech.)

Or something with thick, calcareous coatings, like a pearl or oyster, the way a shell grows. In successive, ever-thicker layers. But shells, and pearls, are beautiful! argues my other, other, other self (how many of us are in here anyway, FFS (you know, some of that BS cyber-slang has its uses, I must say :-) Though I'll try not to use too much of it because it's so, I don't know, uber-hip and trendy? And thus annoying. Also people use it to be part of a blogger's 'in' crowd, which reminds me so much of the horrors of high school cliquery that I want to gag, at least, or possibly even smash something.

So. I can be both beautiful, in my pearly nascence (interesting choice of word, have to read it later and see if it's what I really mean ["I do not think that word means what you think it does" - ~Princess Bride]) and crusty? or, perhaps layered, as the ogre said.

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