Thursday, January 13, 2011

Peace: 3-card reading

Strength in the "Challenges/ Opportunities" Position

A balance must be struck between survival and spiritual motives.

The card in the Challenges/Opportunities position reflects how you can use creativity and skill to turn conflicts into harmonious understanding.

The Strength card in this position challenges you to calm aroused instincts, angers and desires without suppressing life force to the point where vitality is lost. This requires balancing the urge for control with the urge for natural action.

Find the way to enable the raw lust of the animal nature to be civilized by the spiritual power of higher standards. When you find that balance within yourself, you can begin to model it for others and perhaps offer some leadership during this exciting time.
Four of Swords in the "Self" Position

Summon creativity and resourcefulness from the depths of your being in order to achieve lasting peace.

The card in the Self position touches on an aspect of how you perceive yourself right now, including how at peace you are with and within yourself.

The Four of Swords in this position instructs you to seek a quiet place of contemplation, in particular a place linked to your own personal history. Meditate in this still, quiet place, and let go of the distractions of the present so you can perceive the larger patterns that shape your life. You are part of a long, unbroken chain of souls that carries forth the ancient wisdom that can heal the world.

Take time to examine whether you are successfully preserving what is good, true and beautiful from your lineage and transporting it intact to the future. An examination like this will do far more to open your heart and further your goals of inner peace and harmony than fame or fortune ever could. Make contact with your deep past so you will know how to carry its healthiest and most creative skills successfully forward.
The Moon in the "Situation" Position

Stay fluid. Refuse to believe that you are sure of anything.

The Situation position refers to the general set of influences that surround you and affect your personal experience of peace. We all have to deal with conflict and are affected by the process.

When the Moon is in this position, the established order of your world may have melted and mutated. Nothing is as it seems. People may be suffering from delusions, claiming their illusory myth is the true, legitimate and absolute one. Tension and fear prevail and everyone it seems is about to lose their cool. It may be best to slink into the shadows and wait this situation out, a perfectly sensible strategy for this card.

If you feel compelled to navigate the landscape, stay in the light as much as you can while steering a steady middle course between extremes. Whatever could possibly happen is ready to happen. Take care by staying alert and centered. Do your utmost to avoid getting pulled into any emotional vortexes that may challenge your peace of mind.

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