Friday, January 14, 2011

Three of Coins - Blossoming :-)

Three of Coins in the "Situation" Position

You are provided with circumstances that encourage both the brilliance and the necessary support that will enable you to manifest your vision.

The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.

When the Three of Coins is in this position, you are in an environment that encourages you to blossom and to foster your talents in the material world, securing security and acknowledgment. This includes manifesting the support from other people you may need to realize your vision.

Listen carefully to what the universe is communicating to you. It does not matter whether you are playing the leadership role or are in a supportive position this time around. This card indicates that when your turn comes, the tools and sustenance you need to attain success will be there.

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