Saturday, January 8, 2011

a hopeful and pleasant 'love' reading :-)

Ten of Cups
in the "Situation" Position

You, your possible love interest and the whole community join together in gratitude before for the rainbow after the storm.

The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.

The Ten of Cups in this position indicates that the whole world feels like rejoicing. There may be a sense of relief about the struggles that have just ended. This may be a time of high-fulfillment between you and the one you want to be involved with. Petty problems may appear diminished within the larger perspective of the collective human drama. Friends seem to be everywhere. Cooperation and support prevail.

This harmonious situation, however, was not arrived at without stress and challenge. Equate this magic moment with the clarity that follows inclement weather -- it is all the more precious in contrast with what came before. Even if it cannot stay this way forever, this may be a sublime and magical moment for you, your love and the world. The blessing of the Creator rains down upon the creation in a sacred moment of recognition.
Six of Wands
in the "Love and Me" Position

Your enthusiastic stewardship is producing dramatic results for a possible romantic partnering.

The card in the Love & Me position touches on an aspect of how you perceive yourself with regard to possible intimacy in your life.

The Six of Wands in this position provides an opportunity for you and your love interest to be on the receiving end of strong support. An opinion you had been keeping to yourself spoke to a universal need.

As you share your views, your potential partner can unite with you, volunteer to help and offer to provide a framework for your team. Your inspiration, enthusiasm and leadership are bearing fruit. It is imperative, however, that you design a plan of action -- don't allow a relationship team effort to plunge ahead without direction.
Page of Swords
in the "Challenges" Position

You have the opportunity and position to influence the thinking of a possible romantic partner.

The card that lands in the Challenges position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.

When the Page of Swords (in some decks, a Princess) is in this position, sharpen your mind and raise your intellectual and intuitive antennae. Recognize the patterns of thinking affecting those close to you. You may have an opportunity to influence a potential relationship on a daily basis.

By presenting new ideas and terms, you may change conditions and help refine shared goals. Raise awareness with quiet but steady input from the sidelines. Like the Page, avoid drawing attention to yourself. Position yourself in the world as a servant and aid to your possible love interest. Or, try to be a source for his or her better thinking. Perhaps at present your greatest strength may be your humility.

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