Sunday, September 12, 2010

do the first thing you think of

I'm trying something new - or, at least, I *think* it's something new. Maybe I've been doing it all along?

As a way to break the patterns, I'm trying to get myself to do the very first thing I think of, then deal with the consequences.

This allows me to make mistakes, and fix them, and not feel guilty. It's like I'm developing this - inner force field? or something - I sort of picture it like the one Violet (from The Incredibles) uses, only internal. Interestingly (to *me* :-), I've begun to PHYSICALLY feel this force field come into action right where my liver would be. Which is ANGER, which I'm learning to think of as not so much a destructive, bad, damaging thing, but rather as a PROTECTIVE force. That keeps bad things away, protects me, helps me DO WHAT *I* NEED TO DO.

Yay, Grasshopper! Big, weird-looking grin on chitinous face again!

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