Sunday, September 19, 2010

language, framing, stories, and tellings thereof

Cadging a line from a blog I'm reading, re: rejection by powerful parent/other figures:

" If you don’t want to be what she wants you to be, she has no use for you."

I'm not sure whether that sentiment applies more to the female half of the people who housed me as a child, or the male half.

It's incredibly powerful to play with language until you find WORDS that reflect what you FEEL.

Because then you can tell the story your OWN way, and not be limited by the words 'they' *let* you use.

Hm. That sentence says a lot.

Another contributor gave me another useful term: 'zygote donor' :-)

Let me practice.

"I'm not sure to whether that sentiment applies more to my egg donor or my sperm donor."

Doesn't quite have the ring I'm looking for. But it's a step in - some? direction.

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